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Главная / Еда / Why are shrimp referred to as 'pink gold of the sea'?
Вопрос для Нейро
22 декабря
Why are shrimp referred to as 'pink gold of the sea'?
На основе 5 источников

Shrimp are referred to as «pink gold» since commercial fishing began in the 1950s, because of their distinctive pink color. 1

The delicate color is due to astaxanthin, a carotenoid that is found in the microalgae and phytoplankton they feed on. 3 As pink shrimp get cooked, the heat releases these carotenoids from the protein chains that cover them, thus intensifying the color of the shrimp's flesh. 3

Pink shrimp are also popular because of their sweet and tender meat, with their sweetness more pronounced than that of white shrimp. 3

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Fri Feb 21 2025 19:27:29 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)