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Вопрос из Яндекс Кью
22 ноября
Complete the sentences comparative and superlative in exercise 2 and 3 in a workbook ?
На основе 5 источников

Некоторые предложения для заполнения сравнительной и суперлативной формами в упражнениях 2 и 3 из рабочей книги:

  • 1. This exam was easier than the exam in May. 2
  • 2. You should drive more slowly or you'll have an accident. 2
  • 3. My new home is closer from work than the old one. 2
  • 4. The test wasn't as difficult as I thought. 2
  • 5. This is the farther place I've ever travelled to. 2
  • 6. You look much thinner than the last time I saw you. 2
  • 7. My new computer is a bit better than the old one. 2
  • 8. September is the busiest month of the year for us. 2
  • 9. There are fewer people today because it's been raining a lot. 2
    1. The tricky part of the exam was the listening. 2

Для заполнения пропусков можно использовать сравнительную форму (с использованием -er или more..) или суперлативную (с использованием -est или most..). 3

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Thu Nov 21 2024 21:24:27 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)