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Главная / Культура и искусство / Why sunflowers are often used as a symbol in arts and literature?
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9 февраля
Why sunflowers are often used as a symbol in arts and literature?
На основе 5 источников

Sunflowers are often used as a symbol in arts and literature because they can convey different meanings and emotions. 3

В поэзии sunflowers are often associated with themes of happiness, vitality, and the pursuit of dreams. 3 Their bright and cheerful presence can evoke feelings of joy and optimism. 3 Poets draw inspiration from the sunflower’s ability to turn towards the sun and use it as a metaphor for seeking light and guidance in life. 3

В литературе sunflowers are used as symbols of resilience and strength, representing characters who overcome adversity and grow against all odds. 3 They serve as reminders that even in the face of challenges, one can find strength within to bloom and thrive. 3

В визуальных искусствах sunflowers are depicted in various forms, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs. 1 They are often used as a subject matter to convey specific themes and emotions, such as love, happiness, and personal growth. 1

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Fri Feb 21 2025 19:27:29 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)